Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tractors and subsidies

TRACTORS and Subsidies

We actually felt OK when the old tractor Ed drove the most went rolling down the hill pushed by the new owners, the 3 generations. Grandpa, Dad and son.

How else could we feel? It was just right to do. We agonized and pondered and finally decided neither one of us has that as either one of ours or even our dream. I got my picture snapped on the old tractor which was a challenge to climb up on. I had to use an old bucket and some twisting and wondered how Ed did it all those years. Fred drove it too and he told me stories more valuable than what is left of that poor worn tractor.

Someday the young boy will recall to a young boy his going out to the farm one sunny day and pushing the tractor down the hill with his Dad and Grandad. How do they not deserve it? I think Ed would have approved. If he could have he would have sold it too.

Now the next area will point you to a site for identifying farm subsidies

Check it out and put your favorite megafarm in and wonder how they got 100's of Thousands of our hard earned money and still hire (illegals) foreign manual labor?

Why are farms allowed to be subsidized when they are huge and eat up all the small farms?

If I saw some poor schmuck on the list I might have felt differently.

The garden is growing and the weeds and bugs competing. Now 2 young deer stopped by the garden tonight. Fresh worries.

Went to the mailbox and my farm subsidy wasn't there. We couldn't even get a farmer loan. They didn't think we were serious about growing switchgrass for fuel.

Have a great day where ever you are. Hope you get the tractor you dreamed about.




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